(Update 03/13/08: MythBusters pulls my challenge to them to replicate the results of the SNL F-4 crash test.)Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
performed a test on
April 19, 1988 where they took an F-4 Phantom jet fighter and crashed it head-on into a fortified concrete barrier to,
they say,
measure the impact force of a fighter jet. The F-4 was mounted on a track with a separate rocket attached underneath it that propelled it into the wall at 480mph. SNL said that they used water in the plane's fuel tanks to simulate the mass of jet fuel, because "the effects of fire following such a collision was not a part of the test."
The observed end result of this test was quite astonishing in that the F-4 appeared to have "atomized" from striking the wall.
What was even more astonishing, to me at least, was that the F-4 also appeared to have met no resistance as it crashed. It did not appear to slow down, its fuselage didn't crumple, its cockpit window didn't crack or shatter, and its wings and tail fins didn't jolt forward after it started crashing into the fortified barrier.

This test has recently been
brought up again by skeptics as evidence as to why little plane debris is seen at the Pentagon.
Skeptics and even
planehugging truthers have used this crash test in the past to try to debunk no-plane at the Pentagon (and even at the
What really struck me about this crash test (other than
it seemed to re-write the laws of physics as I knew them) is that I found it extremely odd that I had never seen, or heard about this test with such remarkable (and unbelievable) results before 9/11 even though it was supposedly conducted 13 years prior. From the best that I could tell, SNL didn't even put this amazing crash test up on its website until
mid-March 2005. I can find only one instance on the net which had reported this test before 9/11 and that was back in
I mean doesn't it seem a little too convenient that this crash test, which is one of the few experiments SNL features on
their video gallery page, came out of no where and has been used by planehuggers to help try to debunk the claims that
no plane hit the Pentagon, or the
Twin Towers?
A couple of other things I find odd about this test crash is that
SNL never showed what the results of the crash looked like after the dust settled down. The F-4 was said to have penetrated only
2.4 inches into the concrete wall.
Why didn't they show what the damage to the barrier afterwards? I'm not the only one who has
asked to see what the concrete wall looked like afterwards and how much plane wreckage was left.
I also find it odd they would try to simulate a jet fighter crash without fuel. You would think they would want to include the forces of the jet fuel exploding in their test.
SNL apparently
conducted another test where they crashed a
TF-30 plane engine into a concrete barrier.
Why haven't they released photos or videos of that test?
So a simple question:
Have you ever seen another experiment where a mostly-hollow metal object, such as a plane, basically turned to dust after crashing into a harder object without the rest of it exhibiting any signs of meeting any resistance as it crashed?
I sure haven't.
That test was supposedly done
20 years ago, so find it quite remarkable, or should I say,
unbelievable that I haven't seen, or heard of a another independent test conducted that confirms the extraordinary results of this SNL crash test. Surely
some organization would have conducted a similar test to see if they can replicate the results. It shouldn't be that hard or expensive.
All someone would have to do is crash a toaster oven into a fortified wall at a really high speed and it should produce the same results, right?!
I don't want to think that this test was a hoax that was made for some
nuclear industry propaganda. I don't want to think this footage has been brought out of the storage room to be used as part of the psyops to help convince people that real planes struck the Pentagon and WTC. I want to believe the SNL test crash is real and not a hoax!
I makes sense to me that the reason SNL didn't show what the concrete wall looked like afterward and didn't use jet fuel in their test is because their test was a hoax.
So please...
Show me another crash test experiment that confirms SNL's!
If no other tests have ever been done to confirm SNL's test, then their test results should be thought of as unreliable until someone can conduct a similar test that produces the same results.
That's good science.
Vote on whether you think SNL's plane crash test is a hoax at forum.911movement.org.