(Updated: 10/29/06)In one of the most clear-cut examples so far that the WTC 7 was pulled comes from a
video clip showing
a couple of Ground Zero rescuers overheard talking about what is about to happen to the building.
In the first video,
two faint explosions* are heard as a group of rescuers are seen walking away from the area (these two faint explosions
sound just like these two loud explosions* in this
video clip taken at Ground Zero on 9/11). The group of rescue workers in the first video are then heard saying this about the WTC 7 after hearing these two faint explosions:
(video @ :05)
Rescuer 1: "It's blowin' boy. Did you hear that?"Rescuer 2: "Keep your eye on that building, it will be coming down soon."

The second clip shows a rescuer warning everybody to get back because:
(video @ :11)
Rescuer 3: "The building is about to blow up. Move it back!"
"We are walking back. There's a building about to blow up. There's flame and debris coming down."

After the WTC 7 collapses, a group of rescuers are standing around looking at it saying:
(video @ 2:42)
Rescuer 4: "It's gone man!"
Rescuer 5: "Seven came down?"

So what else could it mean by those obvious sounds of explosives going off and these rescuers then saying that the WTC 7 is “blowin” and was going to be “coming down soon” and is about to “blow up” while telling people to move away from the area other then the Seven was about to be brought down by a controlled demolition?
Also, listen to this account by a NYU medical student who was watching the WTC 7 before it collapsed:
(video @ 1:22)
Reporter: “I'm here with an emergency worker. He's a first year NYU medical student. He was down there; he was trying to help people. His name is Darryl.”
Darryl: "Yeah I was just standing there, ya know... we were watching the building [WTC 7] actually 'cuz it was on fire... the bottom floors of the building were on fire and... we heard this sound that sounded like a clap of thunder... turned around - we were shocked to see that the building was, ah well it looked like there was a shockwave ripping through the building and the windows all busted out... it was horrifying... about a second later the bottom floor caved out and the building followed after that... we saw the building crash down all the way to the ground... we were in shock." - 1010 WINS NYC News Radio (09/11/01)
So this med student most likely hears the explosions going off as heard in the above two videos, sees a shockwave ripple through the WTC 7, its windows bust out, then sees its bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building. Sounds like he described seeing a demolition of a building, not a building collapsing from "fire".
Let's review the evidence so far that the WTC 7 was pulled:
1) A group of Ground Zero rescuers are over-heard saying the WTC 7 is "blowin'" and will be coming down soon after hearing some explosions* going off which sound like the same expolsions* heard much louder in this video.
2) A Ground Zero rescuer is over-heard saying the WTC 7 is about to blow up while moving people out of the area.
3) A NYU med student was watching the WTC 7 on fire and here’s a clap of thunder, sees a shockwave rippling through the building, saw windows from it bust out, then sees the bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building.
4) The collapse of the WTC 7 fell like a classic implosion:

5) On the roof of the WTC 7, the east mechanical penthouse implodes first into the middle of the building before the main structure collapses:

6) The collapse emits a billowing cloud of dust which is one of the most identifiable characteristics of a successful demolition.
7) If the official theory is true, then the WTC 7 will have become the first large steel building to have ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire.
8) The owner of the building, Larry Silverstein, blurted out in a PBS documentary to “pull it” and then mentioned those he said that to made the decision to “pull” and then they all watched the building collapse.
9) A FEMA reports concluded that the specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence, further research, investigation, and analyses are needed, and that the collapse of the Seven had a small debris field as the facade was pulled downward, suggesting an internal failure and implosion which is concurred by the NIST.

10) Multiple Ground Zero rescuers being interviewed report being told the following about the WTC 7:
- around 3 p.m. it was going to collapse
- a collapse zone was made around the area
- waiting for it to come down
Possible motives for demolishing the WTC 7, evidence of a cover-up, and who could have done it:
1) There was a near black-out in the media of its suspicious collapse and the engineering community was stumped as to why it collapsed.
2) WTC 7 debris was removed without investigators having the chance to examine the wreckage at the scene to help determine the cause of failure.
3) A secret CIA office was in the WTC 7 that engaged in counterterrorist and counterintelligence operations.
4) The Securities and Exchange Commission in the WTC 7 lost more critical documents than any other financial institution at the WTC, including hundreds of cases of files in which one executive whose company was under investigation mentioned that they got a “lucky break” when their case files were destroyed in the Seven’s collapse.
5) Other offices in the WTC 7 were occupied by the Department of Defense, IRS, Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt, and the U.S. Secret Service.
6) WTC 7 owner Larry Silverstein, who leased the rest of the WTC six weeks before 9/11 for $3.2 billion and sued his insurers of his complex for $7.2 billion and who’s life was spared at the WTC on 9/11 because he had a doctor’s appointment, received $861 million for the Seven’s collapse in which debt owed on it was only $383 million.
7) Some alleged 9/11 hijackers and their associated had accounts at a foreign branch of Standard Chartered Bank who occupied a large part of the WTC 7.
8) Demolition experts Controlled Demolition, Inc., who holds the world record for the tallest structural steel building ever imploded, was hired to help “clean up” at Ground Zero and have said the word “pull” in demolition terms mean pull it down.
(*Explosions heard are either two back-to-back explosions, or an immediate echo of the first explosion.)