The unknown "amateur" Tina Cart 1 video, Robert Clark photo, and Wolfgang Staehle CCTV still looks like they were all taken from the same location:

The location they all seem to be taken from is this building at 475 Kent Ave in Brooklyn, which is the address of Robert Clark:

About Robert Clark's alleged photos:
"Robert Clark is a freelance photographer based in New York City and works with the worlds leading magazines and major publishing houses, as well as on cutting edge advertising campaigns.
Clark witnessed the attack on the World Trade Center from his rooftop in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. His photos captured the second plane hitting the tower and his four picture series was published in magazines around the world. His coverage on September 11th was recognized at the World Press Awards in Amsterdam. He received a National Magazine Award for Best Essay in his National Geographic cover article, Was Darwin Wrong?" - (Photo source.)
About Wolfgang Staehle's CCTV stills:
Wolfgang Staehle ( interview, the webcam recording the Twin Towers' end
Your installation in the Postmasters Gallery was an unintentional live witness of the WTC attack. After the shock days, do you see a philosophical or casual reason of this unique coincidence?
No, I don't see any reason for this coincidence. And I am really not that happy that the work is now frequently discussed in the context of this calamity. The intent of the work is quite different, quite the opposite of this sensational media frenzy. But I also realize that there's no escaping this changed context...
Can you remember of any significant picture that wasn't televised? Anyway could any picture be able to better express the sense of what happened?
The major piece in the show at Postmasters was a dual projection of lower Manhattan. I have this view archived for the whole day of September 11, 2001. From 0 hours to 0 hours. A picture every 5 seconds. And I am not giving it to the media.
[Gif deleted due to copyright violation]
(Photo source.)
If Staehle's CCTV recorded the whole day of 9/11 from "0 hours to 0 hours" as he claims above, that would mean the odds are his CCTV would have caught the 2nd WTC crash too. So why is he "not giving it to the media"?
well it has been recognized for a while that the Clark photos are the same as that video-- actually that was noted by Killtown too some time back, I thought.
Anyway, one MIGHT argue the Clark photo is Staehle's series, except that Clark's photos are clearly more frequent than 5 seconds apart, and this doesn't explain the video either.
But overall, it sounds very much like we have another graphic artist-- Staehle-- involved in the 9/11 video fakery.
What we are seeing is Netcentric Warfare "Desktop View" croppings of what began as a file, not as footage.
as you can see 9 11 was the rothchilds and their henchmen
check out the rothchilds timeline ppt link ppt=powerpoint
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