Here is the audio archive (hour 2 file) from this show the other week where I debated with host Mike Swenson about no-planes. The show had lots of audio problems and my Skype call dropped a couple of times. It was also very hard to hear some of the callers that called in. I also was very sleep deprived that night from having to make up super early in the morning and since it wasn't my show, it was hard to bring up all the points I wanted to bring up.
The highlight of the night was when Dylan Avery called in and accused me and saying that all the witnesses at the WTC were lying and were in on it and blasted me for saying that the NIST said a CNN video was taken by a “Michael Hezarkhani” in which Dylan says was taken by CNN executive producer Rose Arce and then asked me “is Rose lying?” and that I need to get my “facts straight.” Well it turns out that Dylan didn't get his facts straight because Rose Arce didn't taken that photo and the NIST did in fact say that CNN video was taken by a Michael Hezarkhani:
The highlight of the night was when Dylan Avery called in and accused me and saying that all the witnesses at the WTC were lying and were in on it and blasted me for saying that the NIST said a CNN video was taken by a “Michael Hezarkhani” in which Dylan says was taken by CNN executive producer Rose Arce and then asked me “is Rose lying?” and that I need to get my “facts straight.” Well it turns out that Dylan didn't get his facts straight because Rose Arce didn't taken that photo and the NIST did in fact say that CNN video was taken by a Michael Hezarkhani:

I also asked Dylan what he thinks hit the 2nd tower and again, he wouldn't say. Hmm.
Good interview, glad you put up the link.
There's a lot invested in the "planes hit buildings" pysop. Not just by the myth makers but the dupes who bought into it and invested all their creditability. DA's upcoming In Plane Sight "the Final Cut" appears to be a collaboration between over invested dupes and myth makers. The strain in DA's voice was telling.
I hear you've been scheduled to be on Captain "space beam" Fetzer's show. I hope you may have a chance to bring up the nAUdEt brothers mockumentary. Due to his alleged work in uncovering zAprUdEr video fakery, I wrote to Captain Fetzer regarding the obvious fakery in portions of the nAUdEt video and he replied "This Naudet thing is fascinating. I will not only look at it but also get it around into the hands of some of those who need to know about this right away. Thanks!". That was a year ago!
Well after listening to his recent interviews with Rosalee Grable (1) (2) it is obvious Fetzer doesn't do any research!
While the so called "truth movement" is dominated by gate keepers there are others who are there to taint everything with disinformation. Fetzer wears both hats.
I'm looking forward to the interview and hope you can get some good info out there. For example:
The nAUdEt video fakery.
The single lie(v) global video feed of the second WTC event (with the exception of the Fox NY nose-out blank screen vid').
The amputee planes, melting planes and self healing building.
I hope people realize that that the Loose Change boys have become a bunch of puppets for the 9/11 perps. It's a shame. If they're going to be making movies about 9/11 you would think they could at least get the basic facts right before they go calling Killtown a liar.
LOL. I like how you claim that dylan's call was the highlight of your debate. The highlight was when a caller who couldn't have been a day over 15 years old stayed up late on a school night and backed you into a corner from which you could not escape, so good old killtown just stalled and redirected until the kid's 2 minutes ran out.
Killtown... you are an erroneous, anonymous boob.
"The show had lots of audio problems and my Skype call dropped a couple of times. It was also very hard to hear some of the callers that called in. I also was very sleep deprived that night from having to make up super early in the morning and since it wasn't my show, it was hard to bring up all the points I wanted to bring up."
Killtown knows he got owned and is making multiple excuses... "My dog ate my research!"
I appreciate what you're doing, Killtown, right, wrong or indifferent at least you're following things to their logical conclusion. The more I study, the more confusing it all gets, and the only thing that stands out is just how many of the so-called 911 Truth folks aren't interested in anything except their own particular "OCT".
I can't find a place to discuss NPT seriously without either being banned or flamed, no matter how cautious I am about it. If it's real- the implications are huge and the entire direction of the search for the people behind it shifts away from the political establishment to the media establishment, something every truther seems to be courting.
I'm at a dead end with this, I'm just glad there are people like you who simply don't give up.
Keep up the good work, KT, we appreciate it.
Lots of no-plane discussion over at my place
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