In her first two paragraphs about me, she mentions a couple 'smoking guns' on my page and calls them "ridiculous" (emphasis mine):
These theories are 'plane stupid' – but popular
Tuesday 5 September 2006
Most of these ‘truths’, however, are still stuck at point ridiculous. The conspiracy website Killtown has an itemised list of 231 problems with the official account of 9/11. At number 14 is the apparently telltale sign that Salman Rushdie was banned from US airspace on 3 September 2001. At number 36 it is explained that the ‘Twin Towers were hated, poorly designed money-losers subsidised by the State and weren’t torn down before because of expensive asbestos removal’; so apparently ‘9/11 benefited the owners by efficiently destroying the complex in a way that they didn’t have to pay for’.
In a section titled ‘Fundamentalist Muslims “gone wild”’, Killtown argues that in May 2001, ‘Several alleged hijackers [were] seen at Las Vegas Strip clubs; several also patronised Nardone’s Go-Go Bar; Flight 77 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi hang out at Cheetah’s nude bar; Sept 10 – Atta and two Arab men allegedly spend hundreds [of dollars] on drinks and lap dances at FL strip club the Pink Pony.’ On the evening before the attacks, ‘Four alleged hijackers spend the night looking for prostitutes in Boston’ while ‘Hamza Alghamdi watched a porno in his hotel’. Here, speculation about what the hijackers got up to in their final few days bizarrely turns into speculation about whether they could have carried out the attacks, which then, of course, turns into speculation about who did carry out the attacks. One piece of speculation leads to another and another….
About the fundamentalist Muslims not acting so fundamentalist, Emily seems to say that I'm suggesting that they could not have carried out the attacks because of their previous nights behavior. Maybe she didn't choose the best wording, but I'm not suggesting they could not have carried out the attacks because they were "hung over" from their excessive partying or something, it's just that the evidence presented suggests that these alleged "fundamentalist" Arab Muslims do not fit the profile of fundamentalist Muslims by their "immoral and sinful" behavior leading up to the attacks. I'm sure some skeptics will counter with that since they were about to die for their cause, they felt that it was ok to sin a little bit before they would forgiven by their god for their "heroic deeds" right before they are given their 72 virgins or whatever.
But that is not the kicker of Emily's appalling article. Get this:
Other theories are stuck at point ‘here we go again’. Various websites claim that ‘Jews control the world’ and ‘America has become the Zionists’ whore’. Killtown claims that, shortly after 9/11, Mossad agents were ‘caught celebrating while filming themselves with the WTC burning in the background and [were] later arrested and found with boxcutters, multiple foreign passports, maps linking them to the attack’. Apparently they were also found with ‘explosives’ and a ‘large amount of cash in their white van’. There is, of course, no evidence for any of this. But who needs evidence when you have bright red headlines and lots of exclamation marks?!!!! With such colorful, capitalised emphasis, it must be true.
First, Emily tries to smear me by throwing me in with the "Jews did it" crowd (whatever that means) and then says something so absurd that I'm wondering if I just woke up with bad vision today. She says there is "no evidence" for the information I listed about the dancing Israeli's at the WTC and their white van. Hmmm. Um, Emily, did you what, think I just pulled all that information out of my ass or something? Did you not see the, um, NEWS SOURCES and HYPERLINKS TO THEM at the end of that 'Smoking Gun' entry where I FOUND THIS EVIDENCE???...
9/11 - Israeli spies caught celebrating while filming themselves with WTC burning in background and later arrested and found with boxcutters, multiple foreign passports, maps linking them to the attack, explosives detected, and large amount of cash in their white van (ABC, The Forward, Bergen Record)
Is Emily really that stupid that she couldn't even read or see the links to the sources where I found this evidence? Now she might not like or agree with this evidence stated in these news articles, but for her to say that there is "no evidence" when theses multiple mainstream news articles are littered with evidence about the Israeli spies at the WTC is one of the most absurd and unbelievable statements I've ever from a journalist.
There a couple of other things to point out about Emily's "top notch" article. She quotes me as saying that when the Israeli's were caught that "explosives" were found in their van. No, my 'Smoking Guns' list says that explosives were "detected" in their van. She says the spies were caught "shortly after 9/11." No, the were caught on 9/11 unless she thinks 9/11 ended earlier that day. She then tries to mock me by saying who needs evidence when all I have are "bright red headlines and lots of exclamation marks?!!!!" and "with such colorful, capitalised emphasis, it must be true". Do you see any of what she just mentioned on my 'Smoking Guns' page? Maybe she was talking about my related blogpost where I do have colored emphasis throughout the news articles to highlight the EVIDENCE, but I don't have "capitalized" emphasis and don't have any added exclamation marks there either.
Let spiked's editors know how you feel about Emily's 'plane stupid' article. Apparently they don't have very high standards for their writers because Emily's article and journalism skills are, as the Brits like to say, complete rubbish.
Emily Hill is wrong.
You are not partially ridiculous.
You are WHOLLY ridiculous.
I guess that tape released today of bin Laden and some of the 9/11 hijackers continues to mean that the attacks were an "inside job."
Yeah, right. And the moon is made of hard cheese.
Uh, perhaps you didn't read this:
People are uneducated scumbags sometimes. Keep doing your best to open eyes. Anyone intelligent and not AFRAID like all these COWARDS can see the truth right in front of them.
Killtown, several of the Israelis who were arrested for filming the WTC collapses were actually interviewed on an Israeli talk show. They say that their purpose was to "document the event". Hmmm... and how'd they know there was going to be an event to document?
And I believe this clip is taken from a movie called "Protocols of Zion" that attempts to debunk theories critical of Jews and/or Israel. Kinda ironic.
Killtown, or whoever wrote this attempt at 'redeeming yourself' article, i have one thing to say in response to this poxy website, and please have the balls to post this on your web page .... you are a fucking W***er
Looks like someone got a bit upset and can't hack that other journalists are getting the better of you. Grow up you f****** knob, honestly. If you write something, and you are as good a writer as what you seem to believe (is it not you who is up your own ass??) then be able to take challenges from people constructively, instead of writing a lame and dull article in response to try and save your skin. Why don't you write an article that backs up your theories and get a bit of an article war. WOuld have been better because at the minute you just seem to come across as a bit of a mummys boy who got sweets from a shop, and then didn't want them, and then wanted to take them back, but wasn't allowed and then started crying over it. Get what i mean sunshine?
And to be honest, who really gives a fuck?? honestly. Someone needs to get out more my friend. This Hill kid seems to be an excellent prosepect, and its only knob jockeys like you who are going to make her even better. Do you not know anything? Hold on don't answer that. Self explanitory.
I mean you have set up a website in defence of yourself.....loooooooooser.
Get a life, but don't go see your mum tonight cos shes busy with me.
Spiked online rules!!!!!!!!!
Shut up killbill or what eva your name is. Get over it xx
Hey Killtown, the only "new material" you should be writing about is how to cope with paranoid delusional psychosis. Tell me, Looneytunes, how do you explain the mysterious disappearance of those four commercial jets? Where did all the crew members and passengers go? These were real people with lots of bereaved loved ones left behind. Or were they all CIA agents and just acting? I'd really like to hear your explanation.
How about the numerous cell phone calls from passengers to their loved ones and to authorities that were made from the planes that described the ongoing hijackings? Not to mention the black box cockpit voice recording from Flight 93. How do you explain that, asshole?
As for "ad hominem" attacks, you fruitloop, anyone who makes up lies like you do deserves what he gets. You dishonor those who died by giving birth to all of these lies. You are disgusting!
Um Stogie? You posted your comment in the wrong blogpost. My blogpost about all your errors was here. Now that makes what, 10 errors?! Have a great one!
Killtown, or whoever wrote this attempt at 'redeeming yourself' article, i have one thing to say in response to this poxy website, and please have the balls to post this on your web page .... you are a fucking W***er.
I read how this lowlife degenerate hides behind his blog, and does not have even the gall to come forward and show his/her/its face to take the heat for the ridiculous posts on this site.
My theory? Killtown is some pimply face Momma's boy who sits in front of his computer and either posts his psychotic theories on 9/11, or is busy jerking off because he just cannot get laid.
Why is it all the people on here who disagree with Killtown resort to insults and childish name calling? What ever happened to intelligent discussion and reasoned arguement?
Why is it all the people on here who disagree with Killtown resort to insults and childish name calling? What ever happened to intelligent discussion and reasoned arguement?
Who is this Emily? Guess she does not know what the mainstream news is, the people out on the ground breaking the news and thus reporting it. All Killtowns' oddities are as a matter of fact, a part of "the public record". So what I am saying is "If all sources and reports before, during, and after 9/11 are false, then that means that all the news is a bunch of lies peddled by a bunch of LIARS and al that implies!"
Thank you for your time,
"I think Emily needs a hug"
did someone just throw dead Christian boy in to my back yard ....
what the hell nobody will read below the four or fifth comment, thet is if you place it here
anyway one day the majority of people will be more then angry mob and will notes when your "conspiracy goes wrong" and you try to point the finger on the Jews just to save your sorry a*s, be creating "underground sites thet somehow gets into google top 10 videos".
"Apparently they don't have very [good, decent or high???] standards for their writers because Emily's article and journalism skills are, as the Brits like to say, complete rubbish."
What was that about standards and journalism skills being complete rubbish?
Best wishes.
Good catch!
for starters check out supportthetruth.com, infowars.com, and brasscheck.com
as for those who can tell a story because they found a list, does your shopping list talk to you?
KT keep up the work buddy. Someday people will learn how to click. someday afterwards people will learn to read what you actually said and not pull a story out of their asses.
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