June 28, 2008

Michael Hezarkhani a board member at Giuliani Partners???

(Update 06/30/08)

Hezarkhani is not a board member according to Giuliani Partners' communications director:

Thank you very much for calling this to our attention. Mr. Michael Hezarkhani is NOT on the board of Giuliani Partners.

Sunny Mindel
Communications Director
Giuliani Partners
5 Times Square
New York, NY 10036
212 931 7392


Michael Hezarkhani
5 Times Sq
New York, NY 10036-6523
(212) 931-7300

Job title: Board Member


Alleged video Michael Hezarkhani took on 9/11:

Shure posted WhitePages find.

June 05, 2008

June 04, 2008

Hour interview on Vyzygoth (WEDNESDAY)

(Update: mp3 archive)

Wednesday, June 4th. 4-5 pm ET
(1-2 pm PT)

Hour 2: Killtown on the
Fairy Tail, The Little Engine that Couldn’t, and Back in Black Boxes
(The topics that got me thrown off BlahTalkRadio)

Call in: 888-333-9009



E-mail: vyzygoth@hotmail.com or vyzygoth@verizon.net

IM: MSN vyzygoth

Click here to listen