V4 - NTSC - WTC 2 - Footage taken at ground level near the Castle Clinton National Monument. Footage taken south and east of the towers. - NIST NCSTAR 1-2 WTC Investigation (Page 153) [local]

We've been trying to find the exact spot Michael Hezarkhani took his alleged video. Peggy Carter proved he could not have taken it from a boat and BSregistration had taken footage from the ground at Battery Park which proved that the video couldn't have been taken at ground level as shown in the new video we just released today.
Will update this more later.
Ooh, good find.
I took a shot from the ground and found the spot that from which perspective the vid must've been taken - the location of the shot...near the Clinton Fort.
However, large trees block the shot and I spoke to a member of the Park Service, who worked there from before 2001 and the trees were not moved and were basically the same size at that time.
There is also a building missing.
The CNN Ghostplane video is a proven fake, and now we have proof that NIST relied on it and based their conclusions on it. We can comfortably throw out anything in the NIST report that assumes that a plane crashed into the World Trade Center, which means the NIST report is completely invalid.
so far, however, there are no web-pages that combine these three terms:
Yep, the whole world is in the deadly grip of spooks and finance.
We need Glasnost (transparency) and Perestroika (reform, [Re: finance see Silvio Gesell])
Well maybe its time to go back and look at that Naudet mockumentally for more of the insane fakery.
Good work!
Fire in building near "ground zero".
I feel sorry for the two firefighters. I wonder why the building didn't collapse. Link to video of story from Drudgereport link: http://www.breitbart.tv/html/4522.html
Anyone got his address, email or phone? Or where he works? We need to confront this guy. We Are Change should walk up to him with a video camera and ask him some questions...
I made a video from screen snips of virtual earth to recreate the position of where the camera would have had to have been to line everything up that is visible in that movie. You end up 15 feet above the dock and something like 20 feet from the shore over my the WWII memorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udwipgcGLeQ&feature=channel_page
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