Many 9/11 truthers believe Ted Olson totally made up this story that she called him twice from the plane as part of the government's 9/11 conspiracy plot since, among other things, calling someone collect from a cellphone is absurd and that her alleged calls to him was the only source from all the alleged phone calls from any of the four hijacked planes that said the hijackers used "boxcutters". Of course it shouldn't come to anyone's surprise that Ted Olson would make this story up that his wife called him from the plane since Ted has admitting in public before that the government lies.
Many truthers believe that Barbara was either in on the conspiracy plot too and is still alive or that she was one of the many unlucky ones chosen that day to be a doomed passenger. For those who think she might still be alive, it has been rumored that she is alive and well in Europe. Well, maybe not too well after this one...
9-11 crash victim Barbara Olson arrested in Europe
Germany--September 22, 2005--TomFlocco.com--French and American intelligence agents have arrested Barbara Olson, the wife of a former Bush administration official, a few days ago on the Polish-German border, according to agents close to and with knowledge of the incident.
The alleged 9.11 Pentagon crash victim was found to be in possession of millions in fake interbank Italian lyra currency, according to the agents.
Olson was also reportedly in possession of a fraudulent Vatican passport and was held on charges of counterfeiting.
Now of course we need to take a sensational story like this with a grain of salt, a BIG grain of salt, but none the less it definitely has everybody who's following the 9/11 conspiracies on the edge of their seats just asking "what if?!" How will the U.S. government explain this one to the people if Barbara Olson was found ALIVE and well? A discovery like this would blow the top off the 9/11 conspiracy cover-up.
Some say though that Tom Flocco has lost all credibility by posting this story. Apparently Flocco made some errors on his first post of this story by spelling Barbara's last as "Olsen" (the correct spelling is "Olson") and it said she was arrested at the "Polish-Austrian" in which these two countries don't share borders.
Flocco has since corrected these two minor errors:
[We have changed the location of this report to the Polish-German border to correct the original phoned-in intelligence report we received. When we went back and questioned this location, We were given the Polish-German border as the correct location. The spelling of Olson’s name was corrected within 60 minutes after the story was posted. TF]
It's also mentioned in the article that Flocco reported Barbara was arrested with millions in fake interbank Italian lyra currency, but that the Italian lyra is no longer tenable currency.
I will agree that Flocco's reputation is definitely on the line by posting this story. He's going to have some explaining to do if this story doesn't pan out.
Of course I will be one of those many 9/11 skeptics that will be remaining at the edge of my seat to see if this story pans out or not!
fwiw, I saw on another site some timne back a rumor that Olson was living incognito in Belgium.
Now, I think this is likely all just a buch of wild rumors, and I doubt very much they are true-- BUT, they do make you go "hmmmm".
Barbara Olsen is now Brenda Nillson, lving in her ocean front villa on Maui, with a couple bloody million in her bank account.
I'd love to swallow this, believe me. But if this woman is alive.... she won't be for long.
What bizarre twisted logic tells you the perps of 9/11 would allow her to show up somewhere, ANYWHERE?
C'mon. She would have an unfortunate accident while cleaning her oven.
I believe it is very possable that Barbara Olson is alive and living in Sweeden or Norway. I have always believed that 9/11 was an inside job.
the question remains......what r we going to do? so we agree our "leaders" r insanely evil, so
How do We eliminate them???
all existing power structures must be, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, "Alter or abolish" ed
Call them Democlans or Republocrats....they all must go. Either hung for treason(now THERES some reality tv i would watch), impeached, imprisoned or simply voted out. We must march in the strets....millions strong....TAKE BACK OUR DEMOCRACY, end capitalism and the rape of our mother earth, starting with the 2 party charade. People power can take back our airwaves, (we own them) and end our blind obedience to the matrix.
sorry, guys, she's dead.
If she is alive, where is she and who posted the arrest story and in what newspaper? It must be recorded somewhere?
you people are a bunch of hopeless fucktards. it is so easy to believe all of this sorded bullshit when you all have so little control over your own lives. Anybody who would even lean toward believing this imaginary crap with no proof other than what other fucktards are telling them, is being gang-banged by the tooth fairy on a nightly basis. Good luck to all you pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theorists. your discover bill is still coming in next month and there is no such thing as santa claus. what dumb-asses...
Barb is living with me, man she gives great head and loves taking it up the ass.
Yup, she's dead along with everyone else on flight 77. The plane crashed into the pentagon; get over it.
Wake up Citizens, no 757 ever hit the Pentagon.
Yes, something did hit the Pentagon but it was not a 757 or 767, it was either a missle or a small fighter plane.
Both were controlled by the real perpetrators behind the 911 attacks.
The U.S. Government !
So as wild as it may seem this women could be alive.
My bet is that she was neutralized, they would'nt leave any loose ends that could expose the conspiracy.
Most important point is do your own research, think for yourselves.
American media is under their control.
So where was Barb jaunting off to?
It is my personal opinion that Bush owed Mr Olson a favor, and Barb was never on Flight 77 @ ALL.
We know Ted lied, and she was probably dead before 9/11. ????
Thats news to me about the 3rd wife.
The real evidence is probably in Teds estate. A possible crime scene.
Coffeelover @ letsroll911.org
Well, it is a year since "Tom Flocco" (who, by the way, has been arrested and sent to prison for exposing himself to little boys and for possessing child porn - that's why his site has been dead for months) posted that nonsense that "Barbara Olson is alive." Yep, she's alive, she was arrested, and her husband was with her. Unfortunately for the morons who believe in this "9/11 Truth" canard, Mrs. Olson was killed on September 11, 2001, she WAS NOT arrested in Europe, her husband is NOT with her (in fact, he is in the US arguing cases before the US Supreme Court), and not one source, credible or not, has ever repeated this terribly made-up story.
My God - how utterly dumb do you have to be to believe this shit? 9/11 is about 19 Muslims who hijacked our planes. Was there a conspiracy? You bet...it was a conspiracy of a country too dumb to understand that when bin Laden declared war on the US in 1998, HE MEANT IT.
He and his Muslim cohorts around the world STILL mean it.
So, get off your asses, stop listening to likes of perverts and child porn dealers like Tom Flocco and Dylan Avery and any other sicko who makes shit up about 9/11, and just get a life, for God's fucking sake. Hell, 2 year olds wouldn't believe this shit - and if you do, you are stupider than they are.
Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden's Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."
Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden's Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."
You people are idiots. This may be the stupiest of all of the conspiracy theories. After WWII ended, people made reports that Hitler was still alive. You people are so gullible that you probably would have believed them: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_11_15/ai_54176097/pg_2
The cellphone calls story is utter bullshit, even for various technical reasons.
The alleged death of Madame Olson fits very well into the tearjerk stories around 9/11, aaawwww, poor Mr. Olson. "Friends" of poor Mr. Olson, in as far as he has any friends, later told journalists that he did absolutely not seem too upset about the death of his wife in these most dramatic and emotional circumstances.
Just imagine what any "normal", powerful man (who loves his wife, of course) would look like and behave for the next year or so after having had his wife on the phone telling him that she was about to die at the hands of "terrorists". Of course, one could argue that Mr. Olson is not a "normal", ordinary man.
Under the "Patriot Act", I think that it might be interesting to tap Mr. Olson's phone (any phone he uses of course) and to intercept his mail (in whatever form). Also, one might want to look into any banking, credit, shopping, insurance, bills, medical, tax and real estate documentation relevant of the Olson household of the past five years, looking for patterns, gaps etc.
What do you think ?
Well, the vicious lie invented about Barbara Olson by a deranged moron didn't pan out. The woman is quite dead. If you are a card-carrying loon, does that matter?
Of course it doesn't! Nothing can shake your faith in an insane theory based on absolutely nothing. If your preposterous beliefs were falsifiable, you wouldn't be nuts.
I believe the buildings were taken down by controlled demolition, the video proves that. Everything else beyond that these websites claim is impossible to believe.
Well lets see, the Pentagon is regarded as one of the most(if not most)protected pieces of real estate on the planet. Yet with all of this security and the fact that the outside walls are littered with survellience cameras, the only one in which a picture can be derived from is one that is 300 yards away, at an entrance to a parking lot?.......Really?....How gullible are we to be? Now it seems that the posters on here that find it necessary to insult or discredit those of us who have questions about the events of 9/11, are the indeed the gullible ones. No one, in their right mind can reasonably say that a multi-billion dollar air defense suddenly went limp on one particular day out of the entire year, incapable of intercepting KNOWN hijacked jets. I find it amusing, much like the Jay Leno show, where he interviews people on the street and how stupid some are. Much the same could be said for those who believe, without question, the governments version of the story. Sheesh!
Don't you morans know that you belonged to the machine from the day you first sucked in air. You'll be used by the machine until you're no longer needed for labor or revenue. Deal with it.
I heard she was in Israel.
Six years and "Olson-who-was-arrested" is still missing and Barbara Olson is definitevly dead.
This makes me sick to read the trash and hateful lies being spread about Barbara Olson. She is my cousin's step-grandmother and she is dead and has been since Sept. 11, 2001. For ANYONE saying that the way Ted Olson reacted is not the way someone should react to losing a spouse, I ask you, have you EVER been in his shoes? Not one person on here has the right to judge how a person deals with their own grief. I was there at Barbara's memorial service and it was the most beautiful and touching ceremony I have ever been to. That day we saw a side of "Grandpa Ted" that we had never seen before. He made the most beautiful slide show with pictures of their happiest times. Everyone there was unable to hold in the tears, including Ted himself. I cannot even fathom you "truthers" claiming that Barbara Olson is still alive. Like I said it makes me sick to my stomach. I honestly hope nothing this tragic ever happens to anyone you love and I certainly hope that no one EVER judges you for grieving in your own way. Ted is a very stoic man and he has kept his composure in the public eye. None of you know him at a personal level so quit this speculation. I am saddened to think that we have such heartless, brainless people in this country. God Bless America!!!!!!!!
Well to add to this story, the FBI was forced to admit that there were no cell phone calls from Babara Olson to Ted on 9/11. There were NO air-phones on board, and her cell phone records had an attempt to connect, but did not. So there is ONE 9/11 proven lie that the government shrills can not debunk.
i believe everything the fbi says and i will not think independantly.....i just want to sit and wait for the health bill and the president to become the messiah. he's good at being a diplomat.....and if the WTC7 was demolitioned, maybe they had a good reason
She is definitely still alive. She is more than likely to be living in mainland Europe.
Flight 77 never hit the Pentagon.
She was in on the conspiracy from the beginning.
Funny...what consistently bad spellers the sheeple are. If you read through the comments you will notice that virtually every hateful comment has at least one misspelling. Meanwhile, those who are aware of all of the inconsistencies of the event, and have unanswered questions about the official story, seem to have no trouble spelling every word just perfectly.
i just got off the fone wirth maj general zhu chenghu of the people's liberation army. he told me brian patrick regan was arrested on 8/23/01, spying for saddam libya and CHINA! he wrote a letter to saddam fileld with muispeelimngs and gramatical errors. the fbi needed hsi help in cracking the codes he lweft behind in cyber space...
funny thing he was arrested the SAME day john o'neill staretd working secuirty at the world trade center, 8/23/01
brian patrick regan was sebtenced to life in prison on 3/20/03, persian new year, the SAME day the iraq war began...
katrina leung was then arrested by the fbi in los angeles on 4/9/03, the SAME day baghdad fell...
what was going on in the wen ho lee case on 9/11 of 2000? he would ccoperate witht eh fbi for ONE FULL year!
ni hao ma?
She's the richest kind
this lady said she knew barbara (lies) and that barbara was on her way to tape the bill maher show. see link
Unknown to Anonymous
you said...
you people are a bunch of hopeless fucktards. it is so easy to believe all of this sorded bullshit when you all have so little control over your own lives. Anybody who would even lean toward believing this imaginary crap with no proof other than what other fucktards are telling them, is being gang-banged by the tooth fairy on a nightly basis. Good luck to all you pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theorists. your discover bill is still coming in next month and there is no such thing as santa claus. what dumb-asses...
I couldn't agree more. Huge laugh, moment of clarity, and realization that there are other people out there that think and more importantly have a connection with the reality of reality, and the world and known universe in which we live in.
I very simple ask, have seen "grandpa Ted", with his new wife Lady Booth, since then in person? And if you have, what are your thoughts about her?
I think she is still alive.
That was amazing. I am cracking up at what you wrote. Just as any other scandal unfolds, if this is true tht this was an inside job then we will never know until 30 -40 yrs from now. It is possible to start a new identity that's not un heard of but people have been on these victims like fly's on shit so you would think people would find some ACTUAL CRUCIAL REAL evidence that certain people are still alive...
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