October 20, 2009

Flight 93 'literally went into the ground' - Official Claim

A Flight 93 Memorial Ambassador* telling visitors that the official claim is that most of the plane burrowed underground:

"Because where the plane hit the ground, it literally went into the ground! They had to excavate and try and recover what they could and this top picture shows the excavation that they did. They excavated down about 40 to 45 feet and the last pieces were recovered at about 30 to 35 feet."

Remember officials said they had to dig 15ft under the shallow crater before they started to find wreckage of the Flight 93 where they allegedly found the first black box at 15ft and eventually recovered a whopping 80% of the 63ton plane underground. The Ambassador above says officials found the last pieces at 35ft, so officials want us to believe that 80% of a 757 was compacted in only a 20ft space underground! Of course, no one as of yet has been able to prove a plane was actually under that shallow crater.

*The volunteer Ambassadors at the Memorial are trained to recite the official Flight 93 story:

"Today Ambassadors are at the temporary memorial every day of the year and have welcomed over one million visitors from all over the world. They have participated in rigorous educational training to become familiar with details of Flight 93 and the passengers and crewmembers to inform visitors about what happened here on 9/11."
- HonorFlight93.org

1 comment:

  1. This Blandyland guy left a comment on my blog, too.

    Killtown, as always, respect. I think you are right to harp on about the shanksville hoax. People still (!) believe the F93 hero cock and bull story, the film was re-broadcast this year. It is so bad, so obviously a phantasy that it qualifies as a glitch in the Matrix.

    Again I am wondering about the involvement of Saudi, Egypt, german, dutch, yemeni and other nationalities.

    To me they seem to be both willingly involved (their intelligence-wankers hoping to gain) and purposely involved in order to be able to shut them up (i.e. always being able to make up a reason to bomb them, inflict "arabic terror" or simply cause their governments to fail by releasing incriminating evidence) in case they dream of exposing the 9/11 massacre for what it was.

    Pascal Schreier now sells little electric vehicles (fftc.de) .. his FL address in Port Charlotte is on my blog.

    I am sure they all got cancer by now,
    always give them a chance for a death bed confession, interview them nicely!
