May 13, 2008

BlogTalkRadio's copy-n-paste response to 9/11 truth censorship reason

Email from Vyzygoth:

It gets better.

After I sent my query letter a second time at 8:30 pm PT, I get a response from Sweet, sort of. He sends me a copy and paste of their rules and regulations, then bolds and increases the font size of the four words you will find below. Anyone who does things like that usually has a large forehead and an undersized brain. I think it's clear he's a flak catcher that is doing the bidding of his masters that don't like mingling with the unwashed masses.

Vyz's email (in italics) to BlogTalkRadio after their response as to why they canceled his account there and censored 9/11 truth:


Nice that you sent along these guidelines, but I'm asking you to be specific as to EXACTLY what I said that was "libelous," "defamatory," "false" or misrepresational.

All you did was copy and paste words.

BTR broadcasts programs critical of the government's take on 9-11. Why are they still up on your site? Again, what was it that singled out my show? I read from mainstream news stories that conflicted each other and cast doubt on the government's take of those events. Those weren't my words, were they?

I don't mind that you gagged the show. I just crack up at your brand of "free speech" advocacy.
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The problem is, despite what Sweet told Jim, you will get over 100 hits if you search 911 on Many of those shows are critical of the government's take on 911. However, these shows may also suck and present no threat.

Then I was sent this from a listener in
Canada, which I sent along to Sweet with the following words:
Now things are starting to make sense.

Ain't it grand working for The New Bund and The Ministry of Truth?

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