April 06, 2007

When was the Zapruder film first shown on TV?

Someone asked me when was the first time the Abraham Zapruder film that captured JFK’s head being blown back and to the left was aired on TV.

Without knowing the answer, I guessed either a couple of months or a year.

Man, I was way off.

Try over 11 years!


  1. JFK was wearing a heavy duty back brace due to injuries he had suffered in WWII that had continued to plague him with severe pain (the same pain that caused him to inject prescribed amphetamines). This brace restricted his forward movement. Coupled with the fact that JFK had grasped his throat with BOTH of his hands under his chin, His head and body were completely incapable of moving forward with the impact of the rifle bullet with his skull. As a result, when the bullet impacted his head, it displays and Equal and Opposite reaction - snapping back and to the left.

  2. total bs. even my cat can see he was shot from the front.

  3. "total bs. even my cat can see he was shot from the front."

    Magnificent argument. BTW my cat saw both of the planes hit the towers.

  4. The problem is that the unedited version of the film has not been shown publicly. All the versions I've seen on the internet are different in some way.

    I've heard that even the head snap back has been edited.

  5. I always thought the back of his head was blown out, but in this clip, it looks like the right side of his face is being blown up.

    It's all very confusing-- so much damn disinfo out there about the JFK assassination...

  6. As far as the 11 years before it was shown on TV, that does not surprise me at all. I guess it shows the age of Killtown, that he doesn't know what it was like back then...

  7. No No No. I was the illustrator for Robert Grodens best sellers High Treason and the Killing of a President. The Theory you are speaking of was brought to Robert and me long ago, I cant remember the guys name but something it saying Posner started pitching it for a while, long before he got any Presidential Biography deals. It began with a degraded black and white, High contrast version of the Zap film. When we analyzed it closely you do see what looks like the driver with his left hand reach across his chest and brandish a chrome plated weapon closely resembling a 45. But its not, the high contrast version show this better then the post here but the shine that appears to be a gun is the shine on the head of the SS agent sitting next to him. The part down his crown and the reflection then continues down to look like the grip of the weapon. Now rewind it again and this time watch the drivers hands, they never leave the steering wheel, which we published a study long ago the Viking put out, but we debunked it long ago and I'm surprised its breathing again. Hell, ask David Lifton about the papermache trees with the shooter inside and the cherry picker he wrote about as being the source of the shots from the knoll. I gave him a hard time years back at the JFK symposium in Dallas after he bashed me and my Illustrations on stage and didn't give me an opportunity to address his bullshit. So If you ever run into him ask him about the paper trees with gun men hiding inside.

    Back to this issue, there is also other issues that if you still need convincing, even though his hands never leave the steering wheel, then you can look at the fact that there is no muzzle flash, (posner said it was an electric gun) no recoil, and no Jackie saying the driver did it.

    You also have to shoot through Connelly and say this was all done while in front of many bi-standards just feet away. I was close with Beverly Oliver during the High Treason years (shes the Babushka lady, and was a striper for Jack Ruby at his carousel club) she has always said the head shot came from the knoll. So don't give this obvious attempt to make JFK conspiracy theorists look like nuts. Because that is what they attempted to do with plants at the symposium in Dallas trying to mix it up and bring the real researchers down out of the media spotlight that the movie JFK brought us.

  8. No first shot came from front and missed. Kennedy stops waving for a sec and he turns to look at the knoll. he begins to wave again. Film at that point is edited just as he is hit in the throat and his hands start to come forward. That was the 2 or 3 frames removed by the Navy. Disappears behind sign.

    Then appears from sign ( that where we see umbrella man pump umbrella up and down twice (then fold it up and walk away.) that was the sign to the other shooters he was still alive and to continue shooting. As he emerges from the behind the road sign (thats not there today) his back brace is not allowing him to fall forward, both hands are clutching his throat. at that point he is struck in the back 6 inches from the base of his skull just to the right of his spine. This is confirmed as he is voilentlypushed forward and his elbows raise upward.

    At this time Connelly is still holding his cowboy hat and we can see his sleeve does not have any blood on it. As in his testimony he says he herd the shots and tried to turn to his left to see Jack but couldn't see him, as he turned back around and was just about center of his seat going to look over his right side. He is hit. This shot came from the 6th floor but not the Oswald window, it came from the other end of the floor (which was a open warehouse house) Gorden and I published the photo of a man with a crew cut and white tee shirt looking out the window 3 second after the shot thaw fired. That trajectory matches perfect at the bullet that struck Connelly in the wrist and proceeded into his upper thigh. This is confirmed do to it severing his tendon to his thumb forcing his hat out of his hand and we can clearly see the blood on his cuff. Then another shot was fires from the front striking him in the chest deflating his lung and forcing him to fall back in to his wifes arms. At this point we still have not accounted for the bullet that struck the chrome strip of the front windshield, the bullet or piece of a bullet that struck the man hole cement which caused the piece to strike the cheek of Mr Taft (photo of injury available ) Also photo of office bending down point at the fragment and then backing away as the suit man picks it up and puts it in his pocket (photo of that is available) note not agents or law enforcement were on the ground or on the knoll (the officer was one from the motorcade that dropped his bike in the middle of the street, in case you were wondering)

    Then we have the last and final head shot which came from the front and blew out the occipital parietal bone on to the trunk which we see Jacky grabbing in shock which she later handed to Dr. Chrenshaw at parkland and ask him is this would help. He knew it was occipital bone and so did all the doctors that day (read the Killing of a president and you'll see my medical sculpture of the wounds that we showed everyone that was in contact with th em body that day and they all agreed that is what it looked like not the IDA DOX sketches.

    Far to many shots to have come from Italian crap weapon, in that time frame, and far to many impact points for it to be three shots. Its a shame Connelly died with more fragments in his wrist (seen on his xrays) then the total missing from the Arlan Spector's single Bullshit theory bullet.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
