February 19, 2007

MySpace axes Suzanne Jovin memorial

The memorial site (cached) I had set up in memory of Suzanne Jovin to help bring back awareness to her unsolved brutal murder just got axed by MySpace.

Here is the letter MySpace sent to me although the site I had set up didn't commit any of the violations mentioned in their email:

From: "MySpace Admin"
19 Feb 2007
Account deleted for violation of Terms of Service

Your MySpace account has been deleted for violating our Terms of Service.

This is usually due to one of the following:

* Nude images, sexually suggestive or violent photos
* Covering our banner ads with HTML
* Harassing other users
* You do not meet the minimum age requirement
* Spamming the classifieds, forums, bulletins, or other sections of the site
* Attempting to artificially inflate scores
* Scripting the site

Your account cannot be restored. If you choose to return to MySpace, please follow the rules.

MySpace, Inc.
8391 Beverly Blvd. #349
Los Angeles, CA 90048

The JFUCKs had gone ballistic when they heard I had site up a memorial/investigation site at MySpace to bring back awareness for this poor girl who was brutally stabbed 17 times in which her killer was never found. They wanted so desperately for MySpace to take it down so Suzanne's unsolved murder would go back in the memory hole and they finally got there wish today. So now they can all sleep well knowing that the only memorial/investigation site on the internet to help bring awareness to her unsolved brutal murder got axed. I’m sure her killer is very happy about this too.

Well Suzanne, I tried my best. Sorry.

Suzanne N. Jovin
January 26, 1977 – December 4, 1998


  1. Yo, Killtown, greetings from the west coast!

    Anywho... Just read what I could find on Jovin, but fail to see the connection you do. How about some help here?

    I follow that her thesis was on Osama... but why does that mean she was killed to keep something quite? I just thought maybe you had more information then I could find.



  2. Well we are curious if there was anything in her thesis that caused her to be killed. Her thesis has never been released as far as I know. We'd like to know what she wrote and if there is nothing on there that wasn't already known and not a bombshell, then we can at least rule the 9/11 angle out.

  3. The JREF cultists are a bunch of murderous lunatics who have a collective IQ slightly below room-temeperature with the A/C on. SHAME ON JAMES RANDI AND HIS SICK CULT!

  4. This is outrageous, KT!

    I'm sure you have a lot on your plate, but you should really find out the deal on this. It's crazy! Surely someone at MySpace would listen to reason.

    Or at least move the site to blogger!

  5. You was accusing the government of murdering her and connecting her death to 9/11.

    If she hadn't done any work on OBL you wouldn't have cared.

  6. C'mon Killtown, where's the link to 9/11 and the murder of Suzanne Jovin? Just because she had a thesis related to Osama meant that she should've been killed? Albert Einstein that the only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits...

  7. Well S.S., help us get a hold of her thesis so we can determine if her thesis had anything to do with her death.

    Where have all the other theories about her murder gotten the case so far?


  8. Well S.S., help us get a hold of her thesis so we can determine if her thesis had anything to do with her death.

    Where have all the other theories about her murder gotten the case so far?

    Do I look like the NWO to you? How would I go about trying to get a thesis from a university which I have no affiliation or a family?

  9. Here is the letter MySpace sent to me although the site I had set up didn't commit any of the violations mentioned in their email:

    Their email only mentions the most common reasons for deleting an account. The full Terms of Service agreement says:

    MySpace.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting (including private messages) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the MySpace Services at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.


    8. ...

    ...Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to Content that, in the sole discretion of MySpace.com:
    ...14. includes a photograph of another person that you have posted without that person's consent;...

    If you had bothered to contact her family, maybe the site would still be up.
