September 11, 2006

Challenge to all Skeptics on this 5 year anniversary of 9/11

I issue a challenge to all Skeptics* on this 5 year anniversary of 9/11. Since the 9/11 truth movement keeps growing, it is only a matter of time until the mainstream media and politicians will start calling for a new 9/11 investigation. We in the 9/11 truth movement are confident that the evidence will prove that 9/11 was an inside job and I'm sure you Skeptics are confident that the evidence will prove there was no inside job.

So to prevent any more precious time and energy being wasted trying to prove their side and debunk the others, I challenge all Skeptics to put their money where their mouths are and call for a new truly independent 9/11 investigation.

You'll have nothing to lose (except a few pennies in tax dollars if you're a U.S. citizen) and everything to gain because if you are so sure 9/11 was not an inside job, then a true independent investigation will prove you guys correct and you'll get to laugh at all of us "nutty" 9/11 conspiracy theorists for being wrong this whole time. If the new investigation proves an inside job, then you should be grateful that the real perpetrators were caught who murdered those 3,000+ innocent people on 9/11. Isn't that worth it?

So if you are a person who believes the official 9/11 story and you operate a website or forum, announce on your site that you will support a truly independent 9/11 investigation to once and for all get to the bottom of this alleged conspiracy and stop wasting all this time and energy trying to prove each other wrong.

We owe it to all the victims of 9/11 and to their family and friends to solve this matter once and for all.

Call for a new truly independent 9/11 investigation now!

*Those who are skeptical that 9/11 was an inside job. Also known as "OCTs" (Official Conspiracy Theorists), or those who believe the U.S. government's official 9/11 story that 19+ Arabs conspired together to commit the Sept. 11th attacks.


  1. The problem with simply calling for an independent investigation is: how do we determine exactly who is "independent"? I suspect quite a few groups in the United States and at least several foreign countries had a hand in the 9/11 attacks, and there are probably more groups that I'm not aware of. Furthermore, the media and the other major institutions of the United States have obviously not stepped up to challenge the official story thus far, so we can't exactly trust them with the investigation either, even if they were uninvolved. What kind of independent investigation should we seek? I can't think of an easy answer.

  2. I agree with ANON. I think at this point, "inside jobbers" and "skeptics" are so antagonistic to each other, that I doubt any "independent investigation" will satisfy them. If an independent investigation finds evidence of an inside job, I veyr much doubt the skeptics will believe them. Conversely if the independent investigation finds evidence that the official story is true, the "inside jobbers" will say there is still a cover-up.

    However, I think there is one possible solution: for the US govt to release EVERYTHING they have regarding 9/11 to the public domain, particularly photos of plane debris at the pentagon and Shanksville, all original videos from the media and all confiscated prvate videos, blueprints of the WTC and all the documentation that should go with the NIST and FEMA reports. If they truly released everything they had, there should be enough evidence either way to decide how true the official story is. And the govt should have little to lose assuming the official story is true.

    As it is, the evidence in the public domain STRONGLY indicates the official story is wrong.

  3. I agree with ANON. I think at this point, "inside jobbers" and "skeptics" are so antagonistic to each other, that I doubt any "independent investigation" will satisfy them. If an independent investigation finds evidence of an inside job, I veyr much doubt the skeptics will believe them. Conversely if the independent investigation finds evidence that the official story is true, the "inside jobbers" will say there is still a cover-up.

    However, I think there is one possible solution: for the US govt to release EVERYTHING they have regarding 9/11 to the public domain, particularly photos of plane debris at the pentagon and Shanksville, all original videos from the media and all confiscated prvate videos, blueprints of the WTC and all the documentation that should go with the NIST and FEMA reports. If they truly released everything they had, there should be enough evidence either way to decide how true the official story is. And the govt should have little to lose assuming the official story is true.

    As it is, the evidence in the public domain STRONGLY indicates the official story is wrong.

  4. I agree with ANON. I think at this point, "inside jobbers" and "skeptics" are so antagonistic to each other, that I doubt any "independent investigation" will satisfy them. If an independent investigation finds evidence of an inside job, I veyr much doubt the skeptics will believe them. Conversely if the independent investigation finds evidence that the official story is true, the "inside jobbers" will say there is still a cover-up.

    However, I think there is one possible solution: for the US govt to release EVERYTHING they have regarding 9/11 to the public domain, particularly photos of plane debris at the pentagon and Shanksville, all original videos from the media and all confiscated prvate videos, blueprints of the WTC and all the documentation that should go with the NIST and FEMA reports. If they truly released everything they had, there should be enough evidence either way to decide how true the official story is. And the govt should have little to lose assuming the official story is true.

    As it is, the evidence in the public domain STRONGLY indicates the official story is wrong.

  5. However, I think there is one possible solution: for the US govt to release EVERYTHING they have regarding 9/11 to the public domain, particularly photos of plane debris at the pentagon and Shanksville, all original videos from the media and all confiscated prvate videos, blueprints of the WTC and all the documentation that should go with the NIST and FEMA reports. If they truly released everything they had, there should be enough evidence either way to decide how true the official story is. And the govt should have little to lose assuming the official story is true.

    I agree with this.

    And the real "independent investigation" is going right now, on the internet (and I include both those challenging the official story and those supporting it as part of that investigation).

  6. 9/11 Passengers = Big Smoking Gun!

    The evidence indicates that the 9/11 passengers onboard AA-77 & UA-93 were murdered somewhere other than at the crash sites. The real perpetrators of 9/11 made a huge mistake in claiming to have ID’ed all of those passengers with DNA or other methods. (The ID’s were made to facilitate the issuance of death certificates to close the cases & thus end further investigation.) Basic science & commonsense demonstrate that whatever crashed at the Pentagon & Shanksville was obliterated. There is absolutely no way that viable DNA (organic material) could have been recovered from passengers at these sites.

  7. Your a kook!
    Make that a fucking kook.
    Get a job, and a life!

  8. I don't think the truth of 9/11 will come out anytime soon;I'm not so sure I want it too. If it comes out in the mainstream media that the US gov. knowingly allowed this or caused would that effect every American? This would not be empeachment, this would exclude the US from the entire world. This could cause a world war with the US as the main target! Our government has used 9/11 as its forien policy, using world sympothy, civilian lives, forien armies, money and the list goes on and on. How would those countries react if the truth came out? This is the classic catch-22. Even poeple who may know and want to speak the truth most likley will never come forward for the sake of this countries future.
    There was someone from "Skeptic" on "Today in Washington" C-SPAN today 9-15-06; One of his talking points was that 'If the Gov. knew anything, someone would go on all the talk shows and spill it.' I say, not in this case.

  9. Actually, the best alternative theory case I've run into would have come out last week,where the advocate implies use of a plasma rocket fuel,that wouldn't show seismic or detonation waves.However he goes off on the teacher's union did it thing.I'd think the insurance companies would have the best investigation squads,as insurance fraud, if found I'm sure would pay big big bucks to the investigator finding a crime.Then the CTs jump all over sceptics rather than debate but by name calling,a turn off.My biggest problems are lack of confirmed seismic data showing explosive waves.And the 767s would produce more than enough energy to bring wtc 1&2 down even without fires.Thank you,Dougie

  10. Yeah, the "9-11 Truth Movement keeps growing."

    Having a bunch of sissified morons claim to "know" things that are not true, and have them remain at hilariously low levels, is not "growing."

    The love of syphilis is growing faster than the numbers for your "movement" of grade-A whackjobs.

  11. Actually, the best alternative theory case I've run into would have come out last week,where the advocate implies use of a plasma rocket fuel...

    Yep, that's it.

    Rockets sent from NASA hit the WTC towers. Only they were dressed up to look as airplanes with United and American Airlines logos on them.

    Here's the scoop you dimwits need to understand: 9/11 was a terrorist attack by 19 Muslims who hijacked 4 aircraft. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Anyone who continues to believe otherwise is either a sad and demented loser or is in need of serious psychiatric assistance.

  12. That's not what I implied SL.This fuel in small amounts if used in that application ignited v. the CTs theory of thermite,rdx etc. doesn't explode would ignite and cut the steel easily in small amounts w/o any explosive signature.If I was a CT or not this theory is the most pausable i've come across,never implied 767s didn't hit wtc 1,2 and on imact released enough energy to fall the towers,even w/o fire,so using rocket fuel to cut the steel wasn't really needed as the collision imact would tank them.

  13. Hi. I live in Omaha Nebraska. A friend of mine directed me to this site re: the page about Warren Buffett and his whereabouts on 9/11. There are a few errors on the page. Right away I read this: "Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha." This is incorrect. Well, yes, SAC is located here but his golf tournaments have never been held there. Every year they were held at the Omaha Country Club, including the one on 9/11. I was employed at OCC as a valet for 4 years and worked the last 4 of his golf tourneys there. Buffett has been a member of OCC for decades. OCC supposedly has the best golf course in the city and Buffett has had other gatherings there as well. There was another speculative question about "why was this his last golf tourney." The fact is that this tourney was set up as only a 10-year event right from the start. There is an incorrect statement on the page calling it a 9-year event. To the question "Is this "annual" golf event always held on a Sept. 11th?," the answer is no. What I can tell you with certainty is that every tourney that I worked was on a Tuesday in September, usually in early or mid September. To the question "Who were the celebrities, professional athletes, and the rest of the business leaders that attended, why were they invited, and who invited them?" I can tell you some of who I remember seeing but honestly, so many of the same people came to these events year after year that it rarely changed. I usually saw Jack Valenti, Ernie Banks, Chuck Norris (often with 2 women on his arms), Marvin Hamlisch, Rush Limbaugh, Steadman Graham.. usually a lot of very boring, very conservative people. I think one year I saw Christie Hefner in attendance but it could have been for another event as big names regularly rolled in and out of the club and sometimes we weren't alerted in advance. Anyway, after the tourney ended the dinner was served and all the guests were seated in the ballroom where Buffett gave his speech. Because the day was so bizarre and confusing, people were very interested in hearing what Buffett would say about the attacks. I opened some doors leading into the ballroom and listened to part of his speech. The part I heard was him admitting that he didn't know exactly how the country's economy would react in the aftermath but that he didn't think we would feel the impact of something as major as a depression. He clearly didn't foresee the chain reaction that occurred in the insurance world which eventually impacted his General Re company but he's admitted publicly year after year that he's made incorrect predictions throughout his career.

  14. Killtown, obviously this challenge, this independent investigation, would be to finally put an end to this squabbling between the CTers and the sane.

    However, I have this nagging feeling that your side is going to be very particular on who would lead and be a part of this investigation.

    And I'll be honest with you. I'm worried that if such an investigation were to take place (with the CTers' endorsement of the members), and it came to the same conclusion as the "OCT", that every last effort would be made by your side to discredit their work.

    I honestly do not believe that the majority of this movement is out for the truth. I believe they are out to feel special. To feel like they know more than the average person.

    An independent investigation is just a smoke-screen you guys use to make yourselves look human.

  15. Chad, Chad, Chad. You just don't get it, do you? They DO know more than the average person, for they know of the magical exploding thermite! Did you know 6 CIA agents died fighting Vermicious Knids in the Land of Thule and New Schwabenland to get that thermite?! Also, it took no less than forty-two (that's a 4 followed by a 2! What a coincidence! Four planes, two towers!?!) scientists from the planets Earth, Mars, and the Glorious National Socialist Democratic People's Republic of Cygnus X-1 Alpha to create planes to hit the towers and plant the thermite and nuclear bombs into the Twin Towers?! Betcha didn't think nukes were involved, did you? BUT THEY KNOW BETTER!

    The sad thing is that all these claims have about as much proof supporting them as these Conspiracy theorists.

    And to translate for all the Sheeple who don't believe the CTers:
    Chad, Chad, Chad. Baa Baa Baa Ba Baa? Baa Ba Ba Ba BAAAA Baaa Baaaa! Baaa 6 Baa Baa Ba Baaaa Baaa Baaaaaaaaaa?! Baa baa baa (Baa Ba 4 Baa Ba 2! Baa! Baa Baa BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?!) Baa Baaa Earth, Mars, Baa Glorious National Socialist Democratic People's Republic of Cygnus X-1 Alpha Baa Baaa Baaaa Baa?! BaaBaaa Baaa Baaaa? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    Baa Baa Baaaa.

  16. Any independent investigations that has subpena powers and everybody is under oath subject to jail for perjury, I'm all for!
