Andrew Card is most know for when he whispered, "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack," into Dubya's right ear in front of the cameras at the classroom reading event at Booker Elementary on 9/11 (although it is doubtful that he actually said all those words in that short of time):
"A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack."
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card leaned over and whispered these words into President Bush's right ear at 9:07 a.m. September 11." - Washington Times (10/08/02)
Now the normal thing to do after giving an important person, such as the President of the United States, some terribly shocking, surprising, and urgent news that will require immediate attention and action to the situation after the news is given, is to wait and see what reaction and instructions the person you're delivering this terrible and urgent news to will make.
However, Card doesn't do what the normal person would do after delivering such important and terrible news, he immediately backs up and walks away without waiting for a reaction from the President of the United States of America:
(Video of Card whispering to Bush at the school)
"I was uncomfortable about interrupting the president . . . But I felt if I were president, I would want to know." Card walked away from Bush immediately after delivering the bad news." - Boston Herald (09/08/02)
"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card was with President Bush during a children's reading event at a Sarasota, Fla., public school when word came that planes had hit the World Trade Center. Card had to decide how to tell Bush without creating a national panic...
"I said those things into the president's right ear, and I stepped back." - SFGate (09/11/02)
"White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card leaned over and whispered these words into President Bush's right ear at 9:07 a.m. September 11.
"I looked at him, and that's all he said," Mr. Bush recalled months later... "Then he left. There was no time for discussion or anything." - Washington Times (10/08/02)
Now Card and Bush apologists claim that the reason he immediately left the President after informing him that the country was under attack was to not "make a scene" in front of the cameras and the children:
"I did not want to have a discussion with the president in front of that audience and in front of those cameras," [Card] said. - Boston Herald (09/08/02)
But how did Card know Bush was not going to be shocked and turn to him and react to this supposedly "terrible, shocking and surprising" news?
One logical answer, Card was in on it too and the news he gave Bush wasn't shocking nor surprising, but was merely a progress report that Bush was waiting for. Why do you think Bush didn't turn towards Card with the look of "what the fuck?" on his face after being told of this "terrible, shocking and surprising" news?
Card's whisper was all planned to be seen being delivered in front of the cameras:
"Then, at 9:07, Mr. Card entered the classroom and seized a pause in the reading drill to walk up to Mr. Bush's seat.
"A second plane hit the second tower," he whispered into the president's right ear. "America is under attack." - Washington Times (10/08/02)"Principal Gwen Rigell was struck by how closely Bush followed the White House script. He sat in a plain padded chair and listened as the children read him a story about a girl and her pet goat. " - St. Petersburg Times (09/08/02)
It was to give Bush an alibi as to why he couldn't get in touch with his military commanders right away to order any shoot downs of airplanes. The alibi was that he was stuck in the middle of an event full of kids and he didn't want to run out of the room and "scare the children," thus helping to stall the President to be able to order any shoot downs before the Pentagon gets hit:
"I said those things into the president's right ear, and I stepped back, because I did not want to invite a discussion from the classroom. ...and I thought that he was outstanding in his ability not to scare either the American people that were paying attention to the cameras or, more importantly, the students that were in the classroom." - SFGate (09/11/02)
"...the only person who could have ordered them to be shot down was the president, and he was still at a public event when the second tower was hit." - Cape Cod Times (8/21/02)
A year later, Card tells a monumental lie when he implies that Bush excused himself from the classroom soon after he whispered "American is under attack" to the President:
"I said those things into the president's right ear, and I stepped back, because I did not want to invite a discussion from the classroom. He looked up -- it was only a matter of seconds, but it seemed like minutes -- and I thought that he was outstanding in his ability not to scare either the American people that were paying attention to the cameras or, more importantly, the students that were in the classroom.
And he just excused himself very politely to the teacher and to the students, and he left". - SFGate (09/11/02)
Of course we all know Bush didn't leave the classroom soon after Card whispered "terrible and urgent" news to him. We all know what Bush did instead:
"Bush was reading to a grade-school class in Florida at that moment. Instead of jumping up and leaving, he instead sat in front of the class, with an unfortunate look of confusion, for nearly 11 minutes.
There Bush sits, with no access to his advisers, while New York is being viciously attacked." - FOX News (06/15/04)
And does Bush immediately leave the classroom after he finishes reading with the kids? No:
Sammon's conservative perspective makes his account of Bush's behavior at the end of the photo-op all the more surprising. Bush is described as smiling and chatting with the children "as if he didn't have a care in the world" and "in the most relaxed manner imaginable." White House aide Gordon Johndroe, then came in as he usually does at the end of press conferences, and said, "Thank you, press. If you could step out the door we came in, please." A reporter then asked, "Mr. President, are you aware of the reports of the plane crash in New York? Is there anything...", But Bush interrupted, and no doubt recalling his order, "DON'T SAY ANYTHING YET," Bush responded, "I'll talk about it later." But still the president did not leave. "He stepped forward and shook hands withDaniels , slipping his left hand behind her in another photo-op pose. He was taking his good old time. ... Bush lingered until the press was gone." [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism - From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90]
We all know that Bush knew, but it's clear that Card knew too.
So farewell to Andrew Card, you guilty piece of trash, lying sack of shit traitor.
I think he said to him: "Don't move and read this book" :D
ReplyDeleteI think he said, "The 3rd plane's late. Stall for a while."
ReplyDelete= )
The question still remains: why was Bush in front of a camera and in a class full of kids on 9/11? I can't figure that out.
ReplyDeleteRemember Bushs' speech to the nation and international community? He quoted, while using his arm in a quarterback movement.... he said something to the effect,,, that he watched the first plane hit the tower, and said something about a bad pilot.
ReplyDeleteHe did not see the first plane. No one had film coverage of this. Naudet Brothers did, but was not released unitl way later.
Not to worry, just keep spreading the truth in a subtle way.