June 05, 2008

2 hour interview on Dynamic-Duo (THURSDAY)

The Dynamic Duo

Host: Jim Fetzer

Thursday 4:00pm-6:00pm Central Time

Listen Live (NETWORK 4)


Why They Didn't Use Planes To Hit The WTC

(WTC crash video collection)

Hoodwinked at Shanksville

Call In Number: 1-866-582-9933



  1. I emailed Fetzer and he said he'd get the archive up this week.

  2. As a career US Army officer with 13 years serving in a variety of Military
    Intelligence positions, to include a few at the operational levels, I would
    like to express my personal and professional opinion that there is
    absolutely zero traction in the US Army (particularly in the Military
    Intelligence community) that support any once of credibility to a 9/11
    conspiracy theory.

    Don't get me wrong it is good to be skeptical and it is an American right to
    question our government, and a skeptic might question who I am and who I
    represent. I will assure you that I am no faceless government agent, but
    rather a humble son from a blue-collar working family who moved up the ranks
    in the military, serving the whole time in MI. Who still considers himself
    to be a bit country serving in Washington DC. I mention this because I
    think of all the good folks who work in the military, who rise to the top,
    and attain great positions of responsibility; and I know in my heart that
    none of these fine, salt of the earth, military folks would ever do nothing
    less on a daily basis than defend the constitution of the United States
    against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Never, during my short 13 years time in service would I ever believe the
    military and the government purposely planned, synchronized and killed
    thousands of people who lost their lives during 9/11. Government employees
    and military members are not faceless, emotionless agents of war and
    sabotage, we are mostly real people from small towns who want to serve our
    country with pride and dignity and do right by our families.

    Thank you for your time.
    MAJ DJ Cobb
    Command and General Staff College

    **In accordance with AR 360-1, the opinions expressed on this blogsite are
    those of the individuals and do not reflect the official positions or
    policies of the Department of Defense, the United States Army, or the United
    States Government."**

  3. MAJ Cobb,

    No one is saying the entire military was involved. Only a small corrupt faction. You'll find a few bad apples in every bunch.

    We have the most powerful, sophisticated, and EXPENSIVE military in the world. So when "Fort Knox" gets broken into, you can bet it was from people on the inside.

