October 21, 2007

Robert Clark and Wolfgang Staehle WTC crash photos the same?

(Update) Another video was found to have been taken from the same location.

See new blog post about these three shots all taken at the same location.


  1. good catch and great question!

  2. I can't find a pic or bio or CV on Robert Clark, but Wolfgang I am familiar with as some of his previous collaborators such as Barbie/GI Joe Revolution Army, RTMark and Etoy did some 'manufactured cultural phenomenon' conceptual art with major institution grant funding at UCSD here in San Diego. I know about 6 of the people in the above projects and not one has EVER given a true identity, some even went through grad school under an alias with complete legal faux identity. Some are even teaching at the bigger universities around the world subjects of media communications, visual arts, literature, social science, etc. I wish I could get more info on Clark because I could pass his info thru to some of my visual art friends in NYC and come up with the connection. I would doubt old Wolfie did some very sophisticated professional trickery for the 'they'/'them' who orchestrated 9/11.


  3. oops I meant would not doubt blah blah blah on the last paragraph previously...
