May 05, 2007


The forum that I was asked to be an admin at and was helping to promote seems to have vanished without a trace. The webmaster at this site was Slick (a former admin at the old Loose Change forum) who was operating it from his own server. The site went offline sometime last week when my computer was out of commission for about a week and a half.

I've tried to email/skype Slick to see what happened, but so far I haven't heard back from him. I hope he is ok. I know he was becoming more and more disenfranchised with the growing intolerance in the 9/11 truth movement, but I don't want to speculate as to why the site vanished.

I'm sorry to everybody who had posted there. We wanted to start a new 9/11 conspiracy forum that was free of censorship and ran professionally. I had no control over site to keep it running. I'm very disappointed too that the site has just vanished.

I'll try to find out what happened to and try to recover all the posts at the forum and import it to a new forum on a free hosting forum site.


  1. Hypocrite!

  2. How am I a hypocrite "conspiracy smasher"?

  3. Thanks for the update, KT. I had wondered what happened with the site!


    Hi Killtown, theres so much in those forums that was so valuable and cracking down the controlled opposition, its so sad if it has been knocked out.
    I could open the forum at my site, hosted in Switzerland and constitutionally protected from censorship, if it works I could buy a domain so that it is detached from the 911truth domain name to something like
    Plase let me know what you think, the structure of the forums was great and maybe I should keep the same, Ill post a link when ready and let me know what you think

  5. Hey keep up the good work and forward on to the fight.
    We need people like you to spread the word.

    Killtown check out this site about the new world order
