December 02, 2006

Doubletree Hotel video released; shows no plane

(BREAKING: Daughter of alleged Flight 77 pilot found dead from “suspicious” apartment fire just 3 days after Doubletree video released. Apt complex never had a fire related incident before.)

The Doubletree Hotel security video (map) was released today by CNN and just like the much anticipated CITGO video, it shows no plane (what a shock).

Along with the video showing no plane, the Pentagon building is also not seen because it is blocked by an overpass. Also, notice there is no timestamp on the security tape.

Interestingly enough, CNN was also the first to report the release of the five Pentagon security video images six months after the attacks and the first ones to obtain the images. Note that in 2000, WorldNetDaily had reported that CNN had hired Army psyops personnel.

I had wondered right before the elections if this video was going to be to help sway votes to the Republicans. I guess I know now why it wasn’t released then.

Lastly, was who forced the Doubletree video release, not Judicial Watch.

(Video still.)

See also:


  1. Great. We now have absolutely conclusive proof that a plane hit the pentagon. This should silence all those conspiracy nuts once and for all!

    I just don't see how anyone can say no plane hit the Pentagon when you can clearly see the crash in 3 different videos now.

    Kidding aside, why have they blurred the main video tape at Citgo? Why did it take them 5 years to release this (essentially empty) tape? Does anyone see how this would have helped them prosecute ANYONE?

    One of the most disturbing aspects to this entire PSYOP is that the mass media are still reporting on it in a way that supports the official version. CNN said that new video was released in response to a lawsuit showing Flight 77's crash into the Pentagon. They should have said new video was released showing nothing crashed into the Pentagon.


  2. " why have they blurred the main video tape at Citgo"

    They blurred only the people inside.

  3. Hey Killtown, How come the same video posted on Youtube by Bronco2121 clearly shows what looks like a very large object (tail and wing?) tumbling from left to right behind the freeway prior to the explosion, and your video has some blurring going on in the same place, and what looks like some editing on the left side of the explosion? CIA plot to distort the truth maybe??????

  4. Is that an imaginary tree?

  5. Killtown, where is DTree Hotel located??? I can't find it in G/Earth. Coud you provide a detailed analysis of this clip, the supposed path of plane, etc...

    There is no time stamp, cause the explosion was at 9:32.

  6. Killtown,
    Hello, wildbill here from DU. I was disappointed when you left . Great to find you're still hammering for the cause.
    These criminals must not be allowed to get away with it!
    Keep up the good work!

  7. KT, are you suggesting in your update that because Ms. Burlingame's apartment complex never had a fire before that it was immune to flames?

    I'm just trying to figure out your reasoning for making such a statement.

  8. Killtown, everybody are focused on explosion, but watch that guy in left down corner, he is moving forward and backward... and another thing: the explosion is to much to the right, everybody can chcek google earth, it should occur in the left side, not in the center...

    After 5 years we get 5 seconds in low quality...

  9. Then why bring up the building's fire history?

  10. You are obviously a JREF with those types of questions, so you wouldn't understand. Don't worry, this fire was "just an accident". 9/11 "wasn't an inside job". You can go back to bed and sleep easy again.

  11. You're obviously just trying to make something sound nefarious by implying that, since the building never had a fire before, this one that killed Ms. Burlingame was obvioulsy a NWO plot.

    With only speculation, as usual.

  12. As a firefighter, I have been in numerous buildings that "have no fire history". Many of which can be "considered" suspicious until proven otherwise. I have also seen people perish in these unfortunate situations. It seems as though many conspiracy websites (as are the news agencies) are just desperate for any correlations to any previously reported ideas. The videos are poor and choppy at best and the correlations are bordering on insignificant incidents that just happen. I am not implying that everything is just as the government states. However, do you think it is a plot to go to war to kill more soldiers than people killed in the 9/11 attacks and have your presidential approval rating the lowest on record? Being this unpopular is not a great way to be remembered as a "Let's do it!!" president.....


    Hi folks, Once again I find myself thinking about what the goals of the next election SHOULD be. Illegal Immigration? Gay marriage? The war on terrorism? The economy? I have also been sifting hrough the rhetoric and conflicting information (and dis-information) about the "terrorist" attacks of 9/11. Is it possible that the American government is behind what has been blamed on Islamic extremists? The answer is either an unwavering, unshakable in the inherent goodness of the American system and the people it is based upon or It is a very terrifying prospect. I have never been a big conspiracy theorist or fan of those who are. Starting with the "UFO" at Roswell, NM, the JFK assassination, MLKJ Jr., The Cole, etc. Having said that, I have started to have HUGE doubts, as to the "evidence" brought to light vs. the mass of what has been purposely hidden. It is clear from the knee jerk reactions and the unprecedented amputation of our Constitutionally founded rights and liberties, that the REAL truth has yet to be exposed, in its entirety! As president, I will make it my priority to bring down every person involved, if it was indeed a non- terrorist attack! Our president is NOT above the law! Our elected and appointed government officials are NOT above the law. LEX REX THE LAW IS KING! I would do ALL in my presidential power to expose ALL conspiricies and bring ALL to justice, even if that means the death penalty for a former president! REMEMBER WELL WHAT FOLLOWS: With this position, and a serious challenge to the office of president being presented (that will only be possible if YOU support it), I expect serious attempts on my life from the Government- probably using fringe groups (KKK, Militia, etc)as the scapegoat. Written on this day january 18, 2007

  14. For all those who are so blind that they cannot see....Dig deep. Do research of your own but for God's sake don't tell people what you are doing. You will become a laughing stock, a "nut" because you wish to search for the truth, no matter what that is. But as Americans we are lazy, yes lazy. We accept what CNN tells us is true because otherwise we would have to think for ourselves. Look into history those of you who say our government would not do such horrible things against its own people. Gulf of Tonkin, the bombing of Yugoslavia and Serbia, the utter destruction of Afganistan.

    "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    Benjamin Franklin
