November 11, 2006

FBI delaying Doubletree video release

(Update 2: Video released early on 12/02/06.
Update 1: “The planned release date of this video is December 21, 2006.” -

I had suggested five days before last Tuesday’s election that the Doubletree hotel’s security video that was rumored to have captured the plane crashing into the Pentagon might be released before the elections to help “shock & awe” the voters to help swing the elections to the Republicans since they were headed for a humiliating defeat and might even lose control of congress (which happened).

Now the government is delaying the release of this video that was promised to be released at the latest on 11/9 (yes, that date is correct). I guess they haven’t quite finished touching up that plane:

Nov 8, 2006

Contact: Press Office


JUDICIAL WATCH UPDATE: FBI granted extension for release of 9/11 videotape.

The FBI has been granted an extension for the release of the 9/11 Doubletree Videotape. The tape is to be produced to Judicial Watch by December 22, 2006 and will be released to the public.

Judicial Watch has already obtained and released two other videotapes related to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Click here to view the footage.


  1. thanks for the update!

    Now, why on earth would they delay it unless it had something they didn't want shown?

  2. Here is the reason for the delay according to the FBI: "The reason given is that the FBI is moving its FOIA function to Winchester, Virginia and its video equipment is currently being reassembled there. "

    Sounds a bit weak to me, but, whatever...
