October 11, 2006

Strange NYC plane crash and today's date

An unusual plane crash happened in NYC today. Reports are sketchy, but officials say a "small aircraft" crashed in a very narrow 50-story high-rise apartment building in Manhattan's Upper East Side, about 5 miles northeast of the WTC.

Today’s date is 10-11-06. Write that down on a piece of paper, flip it around, and what does it read?

(Gif by nike2422)

Now the address of the building is 524 E 72nd St.

7 + 2 = 9

5 + 2 + 4 = 11

But I’m sure all of this is nothing more than a series of “bizarre coincidences.”

Also notice whatever hit there hit dead square in the middle of the building just like the WTC 1:

The very narrow high-rise hit was the Belaire Apartments:

Officials now say New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle was aboard this small plane that crashed into the high-rise. How do they know this? Because the FBI said they found his passport near the scene.

Now where have we heard that before?
Btw, why did he have his passport on board? Were they flying overseas, or something? Did any of the other passengers have passports on board and were they found also?

The type of plane that crashed there has been identified as a Cirrus SR20. I’m surprised it crashed without deploying its emergency parachute to help it glide to safety in an event of an emergency:

Lidle, acquired from the Philadelphia Phillies on July 30, told The New York Times last month that his four-seat Cirrus SR20 plane was safe.
"The whole plane has a parachute [that can be deployed in the event of emergency] on it," Lidle said. "Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you're up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly."
Lidle also talked about airplanes' safety in an interview with MLB.com in February.
"If you're 7,000 feet in the air and your engine stops, you can glide for 20 minutes," Lidle said at the time. "As long as you're careful, everything should be fine." – ESPN10/11/06)

(Update: Just noticed last night’s 9/11 truth hit piece South Park episode that basically compared the 9/11 truth movement to shit in a urinal was on the same day as this high unusual plane crash in NYC.)

Lots of photos of incident at Yahoo.

See also:


  1. Hmm. I normally agree with your posts, Killtown but I think that this one is not a conspiracy.

  2. I believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, but I don't think this was.
    This was a tragic accident in which a great sportsman lost his life.

  3. You cannot just ignore the "0" when you flip the number. It really makes 90, not just 9. If we all just ignored the zeroes, I could easily say it is january, since I can ignore that zero behind the 1. So today is 1/11/6?

  4. I think we should be more interested in the amount of time it took jets to be scrambled.

    I've only heard one report, and that was an hour. Any confirmations?

  5. Probably not a conspiracy, but it's still odd - at the very least it's worth noting in the unlikely case that (some of) those involved in planning 9/11 really are into leaving weird numerological clues like this.

  6. I think we should be more interested in the amount of time it took jets to be scrambled.

    I'm just amazed the whole building didn't collapse! :-p

  7. Maybe we should also check to see if there were "put options" placed on Lidle on any fantasy baseball leagues, or if any Israelis were seen filming the crash.

  8. I notice the wings sheared of and were found int the street below.

    "the tail wing of a plane lay scattered on the pavement. "

  9. Killtown, just curious. How many other address on the island of Manhattan do you think add up to 9/11?

    What was so special about this apartment building? Why was it chosen?

    Why not 281 W 54th St? Or 344 W 101st St? Or 713 9th Ave?

  10. Who left a dookie in the urinal?

    Oh, you think this is funny?

  11. In respones to;

    What was so special about this apartment building? Why was it chosen?

    Well for one, do a "google on the address please. http://cryptome.org/mi6-knickers.htm

    That building and many others in the area are filled with seedy characters, just like our White House is filled with evil and smells of sulfur, and all that implies.


  12. It's New York City.

    Of COURSE it's filled with seedy characters. And if this was a conspiracy, it failed miserably. Aside from Lidle and his instructor, no one was "silenced".

  13. It is amazing the number of coincidence theorists there seem to be. So I guess this is just another one then? Just as many are starting to doubt that any planes flew into any buildings, on the auspicious date 10-11-06 a plane flies into a building in NY city and a South Park parody on 911 is screened.

    Why do these events read more like a script than a coincidence?

  14. Just following your posts on the Losse Change forum. You are turning up some very interesting information. I hope you will be able to consolidate it as a new article on this blog.

    The event certainly appears to be a ploy to reinforce the 911 'planes hit buildings' myth.

    My take on the unusual date is that these numbers don't turn up by accident but are a crude code intended for key people in the editorial positions of the major media. So they know immediately how to treat a "news story" without having to have any inside knowledge of the event.

  15. Looking at the alleged flight, path the fireball and the damage which is mainly the brick columns on 2 stories, blown in or out. Doesn't it look more like a cruise missile hit that building?

  16. In this photo it appears that the explosion was so powerful that the floor has been broken and blown downwards about 8 inches. I assume that those are reinforced concrete floors? Or perhaps it is just the ceiling that has be dislodged?

  17. If this was a conspiracy of any kind (which I'm not sure it is), the most likely motive would be to create further rifts within the 9/11 community (e.g. between those who think there is something there and those who don't, etc.), and to ridicule the 9/11 community in general ("Oh, now they're saying that this is a conspiracy too!"). While investigating the incident is fine, I think it's important to avoid falling into this trap, so you might want to consider adding some disclaimers that the stuff about the numbers is just "food for thought", that it may or may not mean anything, etc.

  18. Anonymous said... "most likely motive would be to create further rifts within the 9/11 community"

    Yes that is also likely one motive but another more pressing motive maybe to get the Repulican sex scandal off and the "war on terror" back on the headlines.

    I don't have a TV but I can imagine this story was milked for all it was worth.

    This Mayor Bloomberg quote found by Killtown perhaps sums it up. "I think we have to say a little prayer for those we lost, two human beings' lives that were snuffed out. But we should also say thanks that it wasn't anything more serious than this." Such a sensitive man, such an elegant choice of words!

    So unless the Mayor misspoke he just said these guys were murdered! But it was an freak accident right?

  19. More Updates and Research on that also at:
    "Small Planecrash" into Manhattan Building -the 10/11/06 NYC Yankee Crash
    Goto page: [ 1-2-3-4-5 ]

  20. Great stuff ewing2001! Only about half way through the thread and after reading the posts from gritzle70 & Norbu, I realize there another angle that should be considered. Perhaps it was not the same perps as 911 but in fact a differnet group. A warning shot perhaps? The message being "while you may fake it we can make it real anytime we want".

    There are many more strange events that have stayed below the radar of the so called "911 truth movement" such as who was behind the double plane bombing at 11pm out of Moscow Aug 24th 2004? Or who detonated the micronuke in a North Korean train station 1 hour after KJII passed through returning from a "secret" visit to China over 2 years ago? The numbers are calling cards for sure but whose calling card?

    If we are to believe agent Tarpley's reports or Time magazine for that matter, we are days away from the
    "clash of civilizations", perhaps this was a little note to the hawks. That would explain why the media were so quick to say this was NOT a terrorist attack.

  21. WarOnSuckers, have you yet considered the possibility that it actually was an accident?
    You know, they do happen, sometimes.
    Or is that automatically out of question, because the incident involves NY, planes, and high buildings ?
    Seriously man, those number code theories are as whack as it gets.

  22. Peaceonfriends have who even spent more than 5 seconds looking at the photos? Why does the only identifiable debris, the windows, not match the description of the plane? Further window frames and bricks blown outwards, no debris on the ledge, reports of a helicopter crash, early reports 4 people killed, no mayday call, the media showing a flight path having the alleged plane do a 180 degree turn to hit the building, Major Bloomberg saying these guys were "snuffed" ...

    As for the numbers. Lets assume all the above are easily explained. Let me list a few infamous dates relating to the so called war on terror. 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, 7/11, 10/1/5, 11/6, so when this event occurs on 10/11/06 in NYC, it does automatically deserve more than a cursory glance.

    Peace on everyone!

  23. “I'm just amazed the whole building didn't collapse! :-p”
    “I notice the wings sheared of and were found int the street below.”

    I hope these were meant as jokes it is distressing to believe that anyone even a CT could be so dumb.

  24. Chad Said,,,,

    "It's New York City. Of COURSE it's filled with seedy characters. And if this was a conspiracy, it failed miserably. Aside from Lidle and his instructor, no one was "silenced". """

    Most people do not get it! The mimic attack is a SIGN! This was none other than a calling card, in celebration of their boldness and arrogance to all who oppose. Thereby announcing there is nothing you can do about our previous attack on 9/11 which the culprits got away with. THEY are driven by their control of the sheeple, and to put it in "plain sight" for a few to see, those who are looking of course. Because the consensus is, if they have smething to hide -they would say, "why would we put it out there for all to see if that was the case?"

    Case in point,, even if Bush said stay the course 30 times and is even video taped doing it and now denies that was their strategy. Then "stay the course" never happened! Enough said, move along there is nothing to see here. They will lie and lie and lie and let me tell you something! There is NOT a damn thing you can do about it. And with the death of the Constitution it won't be to long where all your asses are either going to fall in line or else. I'm going to fight when the time comes!


  25. Man I agree with most of your posts, but this one is just embarassing. It's posts like these that make people call 9/11 Truthers "kooks" and "crazy nutjob conspiracy theorists." Do the Truth Movement a favor and DO NOT make another post like this one.

  26. "This was none other than a calling card, in celebration of their boldness and arrogance to all who oppose."

    Now why the hell would some one celebrate their boldness when smart cookies like you are on to them? I'm going to say this so you guys can get it straight; flipping numbers doesn't mean jack squat. Why would someone pick a day to do something based on the fact that when you flip the numbers around it is similar to 9/11? You attack when you have the highest chance of success, not when you flip numbers around like a fruit and it looks cool.

    Why would they risk attacking on that day just because 10/11/06 looks kind of like 9/11? They wouldn't.

  27. You might want to look into another variation of that date 10/11/06

    10/11/06 => 9/11/10

    9/11/10 in many parts of the world is shorthand for 9 November 2010

    Tomorrow Barack Obama is scheduled to fly into a volcanic ash cloud from the erupting Merapi volcano in Indonesia.

    You can read more about this over at http://waronsuckers.blogspot.com/
