July 12, 2006

Smoking Gun of Squibs?

Notice the two puffs of white smoke, or "squibs," coming out of the South Tower as is starts to collapse.

The bottom squib is the one in question. Notice how far down it is from the demolition wave. Notice it casts a shadow. Also, notice in the video below that this bottom squib starts before the top squib.

So what is causing that puff of smoke far below the demolition wave? "Compressed air"? Or is it proof that explosives were used to bring down the Twin Towers?


  1. It's simply coincidental that a transformer or a gas line blew up at that spot just as the building was collapsing!


  2. How much of the building is collapsed at that time the picture is taken, and what is the pressure below where the "puffs" are forming?

  3. Geniuses, there are like THREE squibs! Is that enough to bring down a skyscraper? No, obviously. To do that, you need to take out the steel core. Something's clearly taken out the core since the building is already falling. If you've taken out the core, why let off a couple of fireworks on the outside?? What is the point? Where are your brains people?

  4. It's simply coincidental that a transformer or a gas line blew up at that spot just as the building was collapsing!

    Err that's not what the "squibs" are. It's the flow of debris inside the tower being forced out. Explosions don't move as slowly as the "squibs".

  5. hmmm... Controled Demolition?

  6. Controled Demolition. my dad is a demolition.

  7. fear and loathing is no equal to reality

    may you woo woos grow a conscience
