September 03, 2005

London Bombings Archive

Fatal mistakes that cost de Menezes his life (08/18/05)

Official: No link found in London blasts (08/16/05)

Leading cleric says Muslims being unjustly blamed for war on terrorism and the eight London bombing suspects "could have been innocent passengers" (07/28/05)

Terror Watch: Blair Opposes 9/11-Style Probe (07/27/05)

Two of the suicide bombers booked whitewater rafting trip a week before the attacks (07/25/05)

Expose truth, says leader of 9/11 inquiry (07/24/05)

UK police say more innocents could die in bomb hunt (07/25/05)

Prison / Infowars Under Attack For London Bombing Coverage (07/22/05)

Coincidence of bomb exercises? (07/17/05) See also: Prison Planet's: Whitewash London Underground Exercise Story

London bombers may have been duped into killing themselves so their secrets stayed hidden (07/16/05)

Who shorted British pound? Currency fell 6% in 10 days before London terror attacks (07/16/05) Flashback: Put options placed on stocks days before 9/11

Alleged London suicide bomber cried for 9/11 victims

Iranian cleric said British government could have orchestrated last week's bombings in London (07/15/05)

London Bombs May Have Been Suicide Attacks...'evidence suggests...four suicide bombers of Pakistani origin' (07/12/05)

Islamist terrorists probably carried out attacks, says Blair (07/12/05)

"I was in tube bomb carriage - and survived" "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said. (07/11/05)

U.K.'s Blair Rejects Call for Probe of London Blasts (07/11/05)

Video: Bombing exercises in London underground took place at same time as real attack - Flashback: NORAD ran a war game exercise on morning of 9/11 called "Vigilant Guardian" in which the military participants thought the first hijacking was "part of the exercise"

Bomb drill occurred same time as London bombs (07/10/05)

Massive anti-terror exercise carried out last April in London's transport systems included 'bombs' being placed on buses and explosives left on the London underground (07/10/05)

Novel about a London terrorist bombing published same day as attacks, Author: timing was "a horrible coincidence" (07/09/05)

Ariel Sharon imposes gag order on his cabinet over London bombings (07/08/05)

AP story said Israeli embassy tipped off before yesterday's attack (07/08/05)

Benjamin Netanyahu was near London blast (07/08/05)

Rudy Giuliani near London blast (07/08/05)

9/11 mayor 'yards from London blast' (07/07/05)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, what a big COINCEDENCE that the Brits were training for the exact event that happened that day just like on 9/11? What are the odds of that? And wasn't a bus isolated that had a bomb on by the British authorities BEFORE they should have had intel that it was there if, in fact, it was not an inside job? I saw this on one of my 9/11 DVD's but I can't recall the exact details. It was the proverbial "smoking gun" that proved prior knowledge hence involvment by the Brit gov. And look at the date; 7/7 how catching and also has numerology connections.
